Five Years Ago
Jayden will be five years old on December 11. Here is my pregnancy journal for October 1997, which I transcribed onto Jayden's website in 1998. I haven't updated his site in a long time because whenever I open Geocities the pop-up ads make my computer crash. Also, many of the links no longer work, and I don't feel like tracking down new ones, so my apologies for any broken links.
October 1, 1997
The baby is a boy!!! It's very obvious. On the last ultrasound, he had his knees drawn up to his chest and there was his penis, clear as day!!! Wow.
October 8, 1997
I picked out a name: Jayden Tivon Smulevitz. Jayden is from JADON, which is Hebrew for "God has heard"; I'm going to spell it phonetically to make it easier on the kid. Tivon is Hebrew for "nature lover" (just a coincidence that they're both Hebrew names, but Daddy should be proud).
I went to the doctor yesterday for another ultrasound. They found a small area in his chest where he is retaining fluid. This means that the anemia caused by the Rh disease has started. My antibody is attacking his red blood cells. I have an amnio scheduled for the 13th, the day before my 30th birthday. The doctor said fluid retention like this in larger areas can lead to stillbirth.
October 13, 1997
I had the amnio today. My cousin Amy came down from Monterey to hold my hand. The procedure is MAJOR YUCKY and afterwards I was cramping and it hurt to move quickly. Luckily today is Native American Slaughter and Enslavement Day (Columbus Day) and I had the day off with pay. I'm resting and not lifting a finger for as long as I can get away with it.
October 14, 1997
Went to Benihana for my birthday, with Mommy and Danny and Danny's girlfriend Mala. I've been calling Mala "Auntie", I really like her and would be proud to have my son claim her as an Aunt, even if she wasn't with my brother!! But I'm glad they're together, they seem really happy. I'd never been to Benihana, and boy is it an Experience!! I'm so stuffed, Jayden is kicking the mess out of me for the first time!! I guess all that food crowded him and made him wake up and be noticed. It's a beautiful feeling, indigestion and all!!
October 20, 1997
I have to go back on the 27th for another amnio. This time I have to take off work, because I know I won't feel like going afterward. I'm really scared and I don't know how to handle this, it's so hard to stay upbeat and not stress. I cry almost every day, sometimes about little stuff but it all comes down to I DON'T KNOW IF HE'S GOING TO MAKE IT. I don't want to bury another child. I think it would crush my soul.
October 28, 1997
I had the 2nd amnio yesterday. Mommy went with me to hold my hand. It's just awful. They stick a long needle in your abdomen to draw out amniotic fluid. It stings, then it cramps. I can feel the fluid being drawn out. It sucks. Afterwards I always cramp for a while, and feel lousy. I move real slow the rest of the day.
I think they're checking the level of the baby'sbilirubin. It will tell the doctors whether to have me come back for an amnio in two weeks, one in one week, or to start the in utero blood transfusions. I'm praying for an amnio in two weeks. I hate the things, but it's better than the transfusion.
Jayden will be five years old on December 11. Here is my pregnancy journal for October 1997, which I transcribed onto Jayden's website in 1998. I haven't updated his site in a long time because whenever I open Geocities the pop-up ads make my computer crash. Also, many of the links no longer work, and I don't feel like tracking down new ones, so my apologies for any broken links.
October 1, 1997
The baby is a boy!!! It's very obvious. On the last ultrasound, he had his knees drawn up to his chest and there was his penis, clear as day!!! Wow.
October 8, 1997
I picked out a name: Jayden Tivon Smulevitz. Jayden is from JADON, which is Hebrew for "God has heard"; I'm going to spell it phonetically to make it easier on the kid. Tivon is Hebrew for "nature lover" (just a coincidence that they're both Hebrew names, but Daddy should be proud).
I went to the doctor yesterday for another ultrasound. They found a small area in his chest where he is retaining fluid. This means that the anemia caused by the Rh disease has started. My antibody is attacking his red blood cells. I have an amnio scheduled for the 13th, the day before my 30th birthday. The doctor said fluid retention like this in larger areas can lead to stillbirth.
October 13, 1997
I had the amnio today. My cousin Amy came down from Monterey to hold my hand. The procedure is MAJOR YUCKY and afterwards I was cramping and it hurt to move quickly. Luckily today is Native American Slaughter and Enslavement Day (Columbus Day) and I had the day off with pay. I'm resting and not lifting a finger for as long as I can get away with it.
October 14, 1997
Went to Benihana for my birthday, with Mommy and Danny and Danny's girlfriend Mala. I've been calling Mala "Auntie", I really like her and would be proud to have my son claim her as an Aunt, even if she wasn't with my brother!! But I'm glad they're together, they seem really happy. I'd never been to Benihana, and boy is it an Experience!! I'm so stuffed, Jayden is kicking the mess out of me for the first time!! I guess all that food crowded him and made him wake up and be noticed. It's a beautiful feeling, indigestion and all!!
October 20, 1997
I have to go back on the 27th for another amnio. This time I have to take off work, because I know I won't feel like going afterward. I'm really scared and I don't know how to handle this, it's so hard to stay upbeat and not stress. I cry almost every day, sometimes about little stuff but it all comes down to I DON'T KNOW IF HE'S GOING TO MAKE IT. I don't want to bury another child. I think it would crush my soul.
October 28, 1997
I had the 2nd amnio yesterday. Mommy went with me to hold my hand. It's just awful. They stick a long needle in your abdomen to draw out amniotic fluid. It stings, then it cramps. I can feel the fluid being drawn out. It sucks. Afterwards I always cramp for a while, and feel lousy. I move real slow the rest of the day.
I think they're checking the level of the baby'sbilirubin. It will tell the doctors whether to have me come back for an amnio in two weeks, one in one week, or to start the in utero blood transfusions. I'm praying for an amnio in two weeks. I hate the things, but it's better than the transfusion.